012: Gathering Invitation for the Wounded and their Advocates
Sep 06, 2024
If you’ve experienced any amount of spiritual abuse or religious trauma, you know just how confusing, painful and isolating it can be. It can be hard to put into words just how devastating the impact spiritual abuse can have on an individual and family.
If you’ve had to leave your faith group for any reason, you know what it feels like to lose your community, friendships, and sometimes employment, insurance, spiritual mentors and maybe even a piece of your own identity.
Many of us feel heartbroken and completely lost in the aftermath as we try to make sense of what happened.
Even though each story is a little bit different, much of what we experience is surprisingly similar. Whatever the circumstances or tactics used against us, our experience ushers us into a unique group of people. We’ve been inducted into a club we never asked to join. Some club perks include a sense of betrayal, confusion, sadness, anger, hurt, loneliness and grief.
If this sounds like your story or the story of someone you know and care for, I’m inviting you to join us for the first ever Broken to Beloved Gathering. It’s designed for those wounded by the church and their advocates who want to find a safe and welcoming place to discover community and find care and guidance toward embracing your belovedness.
You’ll meet others who have experienced spiritual abuse and religious trauma and discover that you are truly not alone.
I’m thrilled and honored to have therapist and bestselling author Aundi Kolber as our featured speaker. She’ll be sharing from her wisdom and experience around the effects of trauma on our bodies, and what we can do to find a way forward. You can hear a preview of her session in episode 10 of the podcast.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend the first Broken to Beloved Gathering.
Go to brokentobeloved.org/gathering and use promo code PODCAST10 to get 10% off your in person or live stream tickets today.