Support Our Work



By partnering with us, you’ll be funding cohort scholarships, providing resources to create and update programs, and enabling us to operate in a sustainable way that ensures our work continues for years to come.

You can choose to give once, or to become a sustaining donor by choosing a monthly amount. No amount is too small or too large, and every donation makes a difference.

Broken to Beloved is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all of your donations are tax deductible.

If you'd like to see how your donations make an impact through our programs and view our financial statement, download our Annual Report here.

Get the 2024 Annual Report

Thank you for your support!


We're looking for 100 dedicated prayer partners.

By signing up to become a prayer partner below, you'll receive periodic emails with specific prayer needs, requests, and answers to those prayers.

Join Our Prayer Team

Our Story

The heart behind Broken to Beloved began in October 2022 with the first THROUGH Cohort. The first Summit took place in April 2023, hoping to answer the question, "what now?" Since then, we've launched a Book Club and weekly Podcast. And, I’ve been trying to keep up here on the socials and writing occasionally on Substack.

As a 501c3 nonprofit, our Board of Directors serves to assist and advise me, spread the word, and help keep me in check and in good health. Together, we hope to build and model a community built on transparency, accountability, safety, trust, goodness, and more.

As donations and support come in, we will provide periodic and annual reports to provide transparency and accountability to you, our donors and partners.

I’m truly grateful for your support. Without you, there would be no Broken to Beloved Community. Without you, there would be no one to serve and resource. Thanks so much for your support.