042: Safeguarding the Church against Sexism and Abuse with Dr. Andrew Bauman

Mar 18, 2025

How have harmful religious teachings about gender reinforced sexism and silenced women's voices in Christian communities? Dr. Andrew Bauman discusses his extensive research on the impact of sexism and abuse on women in churches, challenging misinterpretations of biblical texts that have been used to justify inequality.

Bauman shares insights from his book Safe Church, exploring different forms of sexism, the weaponization of forgiveness, and how churches often fail abuse victims through "cheap grace." Drawing from interviews with over 2,800 women, he reveals how Christian leaders frequently gaslight and silence those who experience harm rather than holding perpetrators accountable.

Moving beyond criticism to offer a path forward, we emphasize the importance of ethical leadership, personal healing work, and creating genuinely safe church environments.

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Guest Spotlight ✨ 

Founder & Director of the Christian Counseling Center: For Sexual Health & Trauma (CCC), Dr. Andrew J. Bauman is a therapist with a Doctorate from Northeastern University. His dissertation was on studying the impact of sexism and abuse on women in the Protestant Church. Andrew is the author of seven books, including his newest book, SAFE CHURCH: How to Guard Against Sexism & Abuse in Christian Communities.

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Broken to Beloved is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works to provide those wounded by spiritual abuse and religious trauma with practical resources moving toward healing and wholeness, and to provide pastors and church leaders with resources to grow in trauma awareness and implement safeguarding practices. Get more information or give a tax-free donation here. 

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