006: A New Evangelical Movement (or something) with Tim Whitaker
Aug 06, 2024
Have you ever found yourself scratching your head when it comes to what church leaders say and what they do? Have you experienced the cognitive dissonance of condemning behavior one moment then defending it the next?
When it comes to politics, race, sexuality, gender roles, there seems to be no shortage of cultural moments that capture a modern-day view of conservative evangelicalism. More often known for what they’re against than what they’re for, or for who they exclude rather than include, it’s no surprise that so many have become disillusioned with the American church.
Tim offers his own story of trying to reconcile his faith with the words and actions of his local church, and how it led to the unintentional creation of The New Evangelicals, a digital-first organization that aims to hold space for marginalized individuals, advocate for accountability in evangelical spaces, and help people explore the Christian tradition beyond fundamentalism.
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Quotes 💬
I just saw my tradition consistently at odds with the values that it that it instilled in me. And I got to the point where I said, you know, I think we need like a new evangelical movement or something.
There is data that shows that that high religiosity actually can be quite beneficial. If the God you're following and the community you're part of is not a high control judgmental wrath based environment.
When your relationship with God is based on judgment and fear and wrath, you're actually your mental health actually goes down. When it's built on the idea of God being loving and accepting and wanting the best for you and all that kind of stuff, your mental health actually goes up.
I think having that attitude of like, you know what, I need to be willing to learn and hear your viewpoint and let that inform how I see this issue. And then also approaching those people with curiosity and being honest, like, you know, so and so I am struggling to understand this perspective here.
Honestly, we have three goals. We hold space for folks marginalized by the evangelical church…and our goal is to hold space for folks marginalized by the church. And as long as we follow the rules, have your story seen and heard and understood, right? So that's what we do there. We advocate for accountability instead of evangelical spaces…and then thirdly, we help people explore the Christian tradition beyond that basement of evangelical fundamentalism.
Episode Resources and Links 🔗
- The Color of Compromise by Jemar Tisby
- The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Guest Spotlight
Growing up, Tim always felt at home in evangelical spaces – until years later, when his studying and questions caused him to no longer be welcomed at in his church community. Brokenhearted, but undeterred, Tim continued to pursue a deeper understanding of faith, history, theology and the evangelical church. The more he uncovers, the more he realizes the importance of advocating for the marginalized in the church, exploring the full depth and breadth of Christian faith traditions, and holding toxic churches and leaders accountable.
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