Preorder the Session Recordings
Session Recordings are almost edited! Purchase the recordings now to get access as soon as they are completed and available. (note: those who attended live or virtually do not need to purchase these: you'll get access as soon as they're available.)
You'll get:
- Full video recordings of all main sessions for BOTH the Conference and Gathering
- Geoff & Cyd Holsclaw: Repairing Distorted Defaults
- Steve Carter: Building a Safe and Trustworthy Church
- Aundi Kolber: Healing After Spiritual Harm
- Brian Lee: From Broken to Beloved
- Audio recordings of our Conference Breakout Sessions
- Geoff & Cyd Holsclaw: Attachment Theory
- Kayleigh Clark (ReStory Center): Rethinking Church Health
- Exclusive access to downloadable PDFs of session slide decks
- Video recordings of our much-talked about and "this was my favorite session" Q&A sessions from both days
The Session Recordings are just $69.
You can choose to pay in full, over 3 monthly payments of $23. Click on the photo below to choose your payment option.