Here are a few resources I've found helpful along my own journey toward healing and wholeness. This page is updated periodically (which means when I remember to).
Here are some books that I've found helpful presented in no particular order. While some speak directly to spiritual abuse and trauma, others do not. All have been incredibly helpful or instructive to me in some way. Not all are easy reads, but have added to my understanding of spiritual abuse, trauma, and healing.
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Defining & Understanding Spiritual Abuse & Religious Trauma

Something's Not Right
Wade Mullen
When you can tell something doesn't feel right but don't know how to name or identify it, Mullen offers a way to help you to identify and describe tactics that were previously unidentifiable and indescribable, and give you the language you need to move toward freedom and create a safer future for yourself and others.

Redeeming Power
Diane Langberg
Langberg offers a clinical and theological framework for understanding how power operates, the effects of the abuse of power, and how power can be redeemed and restored to its proper God-given place in relationships and institutions.

A Church Called TOV
Scot McKnight & Laura Barringer
There is hope for the church, and Scot and Laura share their vision of it. They offer an honest look at the state of the church today in the wake of allegations and scandals and the case for a more biblical and goodness-filled church.

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse
David Johnson & Jeff VanVonderen
This might be the first book I read on the topic. While written in the 1990s, it feels like it could have been written this year.

Jenai Auman
An eyes wide open kind of look at the parts of the American church that many would prefer not to acknowledge or address, and prophetic call for those who claim to follow Christ to make way for the least of these, to build bigger tables, and to "expose and oppose injustices."

Celebrities for Jesus
Katelyn Beatty
An insightful look on how we created celebrity culture in a church meant for downward momentum and servant leadership.

Bully Pulpit
Michael J Kruger
A unique perspective for both church leaders and church members on the problem of spiritual abuse, how to spot it, and how to handle it in the church.

It's Not You
Dr. Ramani Durvasula
An absolute authority on narcissism, written with the victims in mind. Clear definitions, examples, and exercises to respond and reclaim agency.

Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse
Dr. Lisa Oakley & Justin Humphreys
Written with a view from the UK, this offers a researched and well-surveyed approach to recognizing the symptoms and effects of spiritual abuse, along with principles for healthier cultures.

Amanda Montell
A fascinating and well-laid-out look at how language is often a defining factor of cults and cult-ish organizations. From Jonestown to churches to MLMs and CrossFit, Montell breaks down common factors and red flags for us.

The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk
I actually don't recommend this for most. As van der Kolk provides a thorough and detailed look at trauma and how it affects the brain and body, it can be triggering for many. However, he provides an amazing look at how and why trauma affects us the way it does, along with many modalities and methods for processing that trauma.
Practical Guides to Moving Forward

Try Softer
Aundi Kolber
Can't recommend this enough. What if instead of white-knuckling our way through life and always trying harder, we choose to try softer?
A trauma-informed therapist, Kolber presents a clear explanation of how our bodies and minds are connected, how trauma affects our "window of tolerance," and how to recognize and respond to our world.

Strong Like Water
Aundi Kolber
Learn how your nervous system shapes your experience so that we can move through pain instead of being stuck in it.
Explore various practices, rhythms, and resources to support you in challenging circumstances with compassion and hope.
Discover how to internalize connection, love, and safety―empowering you with greater resilience.

Healing What's Within
Chuck DeGroat
Shifts focus from what happened to us to what is happening within us.
By asking three questions from Eden, we can discover a compassionately curious God who is not shaming us, but looking for us.

I Shouldn't Feel This Way
Dr. Alison Cook
Dr. Cook offers a Name / Frame / Brave framework to move out of our shame and into an empowered and embodied approach.

Scot McKnight & Laura Barringer
Where TOV offers a vision for a church culture of goodness, PIVOT offers the practical steps. Through deep, meaningful questions for reflection and a long view of cultural transformation, PIVOT provides direction for cultivating the culture.

The Deepest Place
Curt Thompson, M.D.
Using Romans 5:1–5 as a framework, Dr. Thompson presents a theology of suffering as a path toward healing and beauty through the compassionate care of community.

When Narcissism Comes to Church
Chuck DeGroat
An excellent and thorough look at the root of narcissism. DeGroat offers an empathetic take on narcissists while not excusing their behavior, and presents nine different faces of narcissists in churches.

The Soul of Desire
Curt Thompson, MD
We are made to be seen, soothed, safe, and secure. We are created to recognize and create beauty. We are created to be in community. Read Dr. Thompson's masterful work guiding you through each realization and how to get there.

Boundaries for Your Soul
Dr. Alison Cook & Kimberly Miller
Excellent and faith-based primer on Internal Family Systems (IFS).

Trauma in the Pews
Dr. Janyne McConnaughey
Sharing from her personal story and experience, McConnaughey walks through a trauma-informed approach to Richard Foster's spiritual practices and disciplines.

Prey Tell
Tiffany Bluhm
Exploring the complex dynamics of power and abuse in systems, Tiffany tells stories of how women have overcome silence to expose the truth about their ministry and professional leaders--and the backlash they so often face. In so doing, she empowers others to speak up against abuses of power.

Why Am I Like This?
Kobe Campbell
A seminary-trained, licensed trauma therapist helps us understand why it’s so hard to break these patterns as she offers us a deeper understanding of how our past shapes our present.

Attached to God
Krispin Mayfield
Our ability to process trauma is directly tied to our healthy attachments in childhood. Mayfield offers an understanding of attachment theory and how it affects our view of and relationship to God.

When to Walk Away
Gary Thomas
In the gospels, Jesus doesn't always move to reconcile. In fact, he walks away from others 41 times in the gospels. Some distracted him from his mission, others were toxic, and at times he simply needed renewal and rest. This book provides an excellent guide on drawing boundaries and learning to find freedom from toxic people.

Recovering From Purity Culture
Dr. Camden Morgante
Morgante outlines her 5 myths of purity culture and ways to redefine your own sexual ethic.

Grieve Breathe Receive
Steve Carter
What do you do when life as you know if changes overnight? How do you find a way forward? Steve lived this out after resigning his position at Willow Creek, and offers his framework for processing grief and loss.
Church History & Culture

Jesus and John Wayne
Kristin Kobes du Mez
For those wondering "how did we get here", Du Mez presents a sweeping history and clear picture of the last 75 years of white evangelicalism. Follow her clear picture of how the American church progressed from Billy Graham and John Wayne to VeggieTales and Donald Trump.

American Idolatry
Andrew Whitehead
A leading scholar on Christian nationalism, Whitehead offers his take on how the three idols of power, fear, and violence have corrupted American Christianity.

Tell Her Story
Nijay Gupta
Women were there. Gupta provides carefully researched evidence from scripture and contextual historical documents that women were actively involved in ministry, at the frontier of the gospel mission, and respected church leaders.

Strange Religion
Nijay Gupta
Covering topics like a cultural view of the gods, keeping household idols, early worship and religious hierarchy, Gupta provides us with an incredible and immersive view of Roman life and its cultural religious practices with clear contrasts on just how different and countercultural the first Christians were.

Orphaned Believers
Sara Billups
Having grown up in the evangelical church in the 80s and 90s, Billups offers a disentangling from the culture wars of the American church and offers a different way forward.

An Untidy Faith
Kate Boyd
A gentle companion, Kate Boyd walks alongside those who have questions but can’t ask them for fear of being labeled by or cast out of their communities. An Untidy Faith is a guidebook for those who want to be equipped with practices to rebuild their faith and shape their communities to look more like Jesus.
Miscellaneous Topics

As Long As You Need
J.S. Park
A masterclass on the many expressions of grief and the gracious permission to take as much space and time to honor our losses and memories.

Mike Brown
When you feel stuck in the already-but-not-yet of not where you've been and not yet where you're going, you're in liminal space. Brown guides you through that space with grace, compassion, and understanding.

The Understory
Lore Wilbert
A beautiful look at how life actually flourishes in death and decay.

How to Walk Into A Room
Emily P Freeman
For those in liminal spaces of transition, this practical guide helps walk through deciding when to stay and when to leave.

Right Here, Right Now
Amy Oden
A simple yet profound look at how mindfulness has been part of the Christian faith tradition since its beginning and how it has been practiced throughout the years. Oden presents practical ways to wake up to the present moment and offers step by step instruction on practicing mindfulness.

Joy in Our Weakness
Marva Dawn
More than a study or commentary on the book of Revelation, Dawn provides a theology of suffering. She offers a different perspective on living with chronic illness or pain as something to be lived with and through, and not prayed away.

Life of the Beloved
Henri Nouwen
An invitation to acknowledge our brokenness and awaken to our unchangeable identity as God's Beloved, this classic explains the spiritual life in simple terms.

The Voice of the Heart
Dr. Chip Dodd
If you have a hard time naming your emotions like me, this will be practical and helpful.
Instagram accounts
Here are some Instagram accounts I've found helpful in no particular order. Click on a name or handle to see the account.
Unraveling Free
Mental health services centering on deconstruction, religious trauma, and purity culture.
Kate Boyd
Author (An Untidy Faith), Bible teacher, safe place for honest conversations about reading and interpreting the Bible.
Janyne McConnaughey
Author (Trauma in the Pews) and advocate for those healing from trauma.