Welcome to the Podcast

TheĀ Broken to Beloved PodcastĀ is for anyone whoā€™s been affected by spiritual abuse, religious trauma, or church hurt and is looking for practical resources to move toward healing and wholeness.

Iā€™m your host, Brian Lee, and Iā€™m so excited to share these conversations with you.

I want this to be a place for deep and meaningful conversations around spiritual abuse and religious trauma. I want to provide you with language to name your experiences and validate your stories, and to give you practical tools that move you toward healing and wholeness.

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Recent Episodes & Show Notes

Episode 7: Forced Forgiveness: Misinterpreting Matthew 18 with Dr. Scot McKnight Aug 13, 2024

TW/CW: references to sexual assault

Have you ever had Matthew 18 used against you?

Far too often, the forgiveness passage in Matthew 18:15–17 is weaponized against those who experience hurt...

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Episode 6: A New Evangelical Movement (or something) with Tim Whitaker Aug 06, 2024

Have you ever found yourself scratching your head when it comes to what church leaders say and what they do? Have you experienced the cognitive dissonance of condemning behavior one moment then...

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Episode 5: Finding Liberation and Reclaiming Agency Through a New Story with Cait West Jul 30, 2024

"By giving voice to the cognitive dissonance required to be a woman under the patriarchy, you robbed it of its power." — Barbie

What does it take to break free from a life controlled by...

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Episode 4: An Honest Look at Grief and Loss with JS Park Jul 23, 2024

TW/CW: references to suicide and suicidal ideation

According to chaplain J.S. Park, people are ready for the conversation around grief and loss.

I feel like I’ve been swimming in the...

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Episode 3: Making Space for Everyone to be Welcomed with Jenai Auman Jul 16, 2024

Have you ever felt pushed to the margins of a community? Made to feel like you don’t quite belong? Whether it’s for your politics, sexual identity, faith (or lack of it), or for naming...

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Episode 2: Embracing Death and the Hope of Wholeness with Lore Wilbert Jul 09, 2024

Death is not always the end.

In fact, it’s often a beginning and the doorway to a resurrection. Brian and Lore share the importance of embracing both death and life, the connection to nature,...

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