Welcome to the Podcast

TheĀ Broken to Beloved PodcastĀ is for anyone whoā€™s been affected by spiritual abuse, religious trauma, or church hurt and is looking for practical resources to move toward healing and wholeness.

Iā€™m your host, Brian Lee, and Iā€™m so excited to share these conversations with you.

I want this to be a place for deep and meaningful conversations around spiritual abuse and religious trauma. I want to provide you with language to name your experiences and validate your stories, and to give you practical tools that move you toward healing and wholeness.

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Recent Episodes & Show Notes

Episode 13: Finding Hope in the Goodness (tov) of God with Laura Barringer Sep 10, 2024

In this short series, you’ll get to meet each of our board members.

Listen to their stories and backgrounds, and why they chose to serve on the board and support the work at Broken to...

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Episode 12: Gathering Invitation for the Wounded and their Advocates Sep 06, 2024

If you’ve experienced any amount of spiritual abuse or religious trauma, you know just how confusing, painful and isolating it can be. It can be hard to put into words just how devastating...

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